 Inregistrat: acum 9 ani
Postari: 414
#!/usr/bin/python #This is a vBulletin scanner, searches if vulnerable paths #exist, also prints version if found. Put vbvuln.txt in the dir #at which you are running this script. #Every path in vbvuln.txt has a vuln. or an exploit for it. #(considering its the right version)
#Changelog: added update function
#http://www.darkc0de.com ##d3hydr8[at]gmail[dot]com
import sys, httplib, time, urllib, re
def getserv(path):
try: h = httplib.HTTP(host+":"+port) h.putrequest("HEAD", path) h.putheader("Host", host) h.endheaders() status, reason, headers = h.getreply() except: print "\n[-] Error: Name or service not known. Check your host.\n" sys.exit(1) return status, reason, headers.get("Server"
def timer(): now = time.localtime(time.time()) return time.asctime(now)
def getver(path): site = urllib.urlopen("http://"+host+path).read() version = re.findall("version \d+\.\d+\..", site.lower()) if version: return version[0] else: return None
def update(): try: lines = open("vbvuln.txt", "r".readlines() except(IOError): print "[-] Error: Check your phpvuln.txt path and permissions" print "[-] Update Failed\n" sys.exit(1) try: paths = urllib.urlopen("http://www.darkc0de.com/scanners/vbvuln.txt".readlines() except: print "[-] Error: Couldn't connect to remote database" print "[-] Update Failed\n" sys.exit(1) if len(paths) > len(lines): dif = int(len(paths)-len(lines)) print "[+] Found:",dif,"updates" print "\n[+] Writing Updates" file = open("vbvuln.txt", "a" for path in paths[-dif:]: if path[-1:] == "\n": path = path[:-1] print "[+] New:",path file.writelines(path+"\n" file.close() print "\n[+] Update Complete\n" else: print "[-] No Updates Available\n" sys.exit(1)
def title(): print "\n\t d3hydr8[at]gmail[dot]com vBulletinScan v1.1" print "\t--------------------------------------------------"
if len(sys.argv) >= 5 or len(sys.argv) == 1: title() print "\n\t[+] Usage: ./vbscan.py \n" print "\t[options]" print "\t -v/-verbose : Shows all http requests and responses" print "\t -u/-update : Updates vbvuln.txt with the latest" print "\n\t[+] Ex. ./vbscan.py -update" print "\t[+] Ex. ./vbscan.py google.com 80 -verbose\n" sys.exit(1)
if sys.argv[1].lower() == "-u" or sys.argv[1].lower() == "-update": print "\n[+] Updating Database File" update()
host = sys.argv[1] port = sys.argv[2]
for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if arg.lower() == "-v" or arg.lower() == "-verbose": verbose = 1 else: verbose = 0
if host[:7] == "http://": host = host.replace("http://","" if host[-1] == "/": host = host[:-1]
print "[+] Getting responses" okresp,reason,server = getserv("/" badresp = getserv("/d3hydr8.html"[:1]
if okresp == badresp[0]: print "\n[-] Responses matched, try another host.\n" sys.exit(1) else: print "\n[+] Target host:",host print "[+] Target port:",port print "[+] Target server:",server print "[+] Target version:",getver("/" print "[+] Target OK response:",okresp print "[+] Target BAD response:",badresp[0], reason print "[+] Scan Started at",timer() if verbose ==1: print "\n[+] Verbose Mode On"
dirs = ["/","/vb/","vb3","/vBulletin/","/Bulletin/","/forum/","/forums/"]
try: lines = open("vbvuln.txt", "r".readlines() print "\n[+]",len(lines)*len(dirs),"paths loaded\n" except(IOError): print "[-] Error: Check your vulnerabilities list path\n" sys.exit(1)
vulns = [] print "[+] Scanning...\n" for d in dirs: for line in lines: status, reason = getserv(d+line[:-1])[:2] if verbose ==1: print "[+]",status,reason,":",d+line,"\n" if status == okresp: print "[+] Found vBulletin:",getver(d+line) vulns.append(d+line) print "\t[!]",status,reason,":",d+line,"\n" if status == int(401): print "\t[!]",status,reason,":Needs Authentication [",d+line,"]\n"
if len(vulns) == 0: print "[-] Couldn't find any vuln. paths\n" else: print "[!] Found",len(vulns),"possible vulnerabilities, check manually.\n" for vuln in vulns: print "\t[+] ",vuln print "\n[+] Scan completed at", timer(),"\n"
_______________________________________ Vand conturi steam cs 1.6, cs g.o, cs source si multe alte jocuri la super preturi. Pentru detalii contactati-ma pm sau romaniaanonymous19 @ yahoo.com sau skype anonymous.romania3
